August Smart Lock Pro: The Future of Home Security

The August Smart Lock Pro is a cutting-edge smart home device that revolutionizes how we secure our homes. It combines advanced technology with sleek design to give homeowners enhanced security, convenience, and control over their door locks.

Overview of August smart lock pro

Gone are the days of fumbling for keys or worrying about lost or stolen copies. With the August Smart Lock Pro, you can unlock and lock your door using your smartphone, granting you keyless entry and peace of mind. This smart lock integrates with your existing deadbolt, making it compatible with most standard doors. It offers many features and functionalities to elevate your home security system.

One of the standout features of the August Smart Lock Pro is its compatibility with various innovative home platforms and virtual assistants, including Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri; This allows you to control your lock with voice commands, further enhancing the convenience and accessibility of the device.

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Key features and functionality

The August Smart Lock Pro takes remote access and control to a new level by allowing you to manage your lock from anywhere using your smartphone. With the dedicated mobile app, you can control your lock completely, granting you convenience and peace of mind at home or on the go.

Seamless Connectivity: The August Smart Lock Pro connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth, ensuring a seamless and secure connection; This allows you to communicate with your lock within a reasonable range, typically within your home or immediate surroundings.

Remote Locking and Unlocking: One of the key features enabled by remote access is the ability to lock and unlock your door from anywhere. Whether at work, on vacation, or simply away from home, you can use the mobile app to remotely control your lock with a simple tap on your smartphone screen. No more worrying about unlocking your door or rushing home to let someone in.

Instant Notifications: The August Smart Lock Pro keeps you informed about the status of your lock in real time. You’ll receive instant notifications on your smartphone whenever your lock is engaged or disengaged, providing peace of mind and ensuring you’re always aware of who enters or leaves your home.

Access Management: The mobile app allows you to manage access to your home easily. You can grant or revoke access to family members, friends, or service providers by sending them virtual keys or temporary codes directly from the app. This feature is useful when you need to provide access to your home when you’re not physically present.

Monitoring and Activity Log: The August Smart Lock Pro keeps a detailed log of all lock activity, including who locked or unlocked the door and when. This information is available in the mobile app, allowing you to monitor the comings and goings at your home, even when you’re not there.

Integration with virtual assistants (Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri)

The August Smart Lock Pro seamlessly integrates with popular virtual assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri, enhancing the convenience and accessibility of controlling your smart lock. By leveraging the power of voice commands, you can effortlessly manage your lock using these virtual assistants.

Voice-Activated Locking and Unlocking: With integration with virtual assistants, you can use simple voice commands to lock or unlock your August Smart Lock Pro. Whether you are in the house or at a distance, you can rely on the virtual assistant to securely control your lock without needing to interact with it physically.

Hands-Free Convenience: Integration with virtual assistants eliminates the need to fumble for your smartphone or manually operate the lock. You can speak a command, and the virtual assistant will follow your instructions, providing a hands-free and convenient experience for you and your family.

Smart Home Automation: The August Smart Lock Pro’s integration with virtual assistants allows you to integrate it into your broader smart home ecosystem. You can create routines or scenes that involve locking or unlocking the door as part of a larger automation setup. For example, saying “Goodnight” to your virtual assistant can trigger the lock to secure your home and activate other bedtime routines.

Status Updates and Notifications: Virtual assistants can provide real-time updates on your lock’s status. You can ask questions like, “Is my front door locked?” or “Has the door been unlocked today?” to receive instant information about the lock’s current state. This feature gives you peace of mind and ensures you’re always aware of your home’s security status.

Enhanced Security and Authentication: Integration with virtual assistants maintains the security measures of the August Smart Lock Pro. You may be prompted to authenticate your identity through a passcode or biometric verification before the virtual assistant executes lock commands; This ensures that unauthorized individuals cannot control your lock through voice commands alone.

Expanded Voice Control Functionality: Virtual assistants can provide additional control over your August Smart Lock Pro besides locking and unlocking. You can ask for the battery status, check the activity log, or manage guest access using voice commands, further streamlining your interactions with the lock.

Auto unlock and auto lock features

The August Smart Lock Pro incorporates advanced auto-unlock and auto-lock features that enhance the convenience and security of your everyday life. These intelligent functions remove the hassle of manually locking and unlocking your door, providing a seamless and automated experience.

Auto-Unlock: The auto-unlock feature uses geofencing technology to detect when you approach your home. As you approach a predefined distance from your door, typically using GPS on your smartphone, the August Smart Lock Pro automatically unlocks the door; This eliminates the need to fumble for keys or access your smartphone app, allowing you to effortlessly enter your home with a simple push or turn of the door handle.

Trusted Locations: The auto-unlock feature can be customized with trusted locations to ensure security and prevent accidental unlocking. You can set specific GPS coordinates or establish a radius around your home where the lock will automatically engage or disengage. This feature ensures that the lock only activates when you are close to your home, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

AutoLock: The auto-lock feature works in conjunction with a predetermined time interval after the door is closed. Once the configured time elapses, the August Smart Lock Pro automatically locks the door, giving you peace of mind and eliminating the worry of leaving your door unlocked. This feature is helpful if you often forget to lock your door or prefer to have it automatically secured after a set period.

Customization Options: The auto-unlock and auto-lock features can be customized to suit your preferences and lifestyle. Through the mobile app, you can adjust the geofencing radius for auto-unlock, choose the duration before auto-lock engages, and set specific time schedules for auto-locking during certain periods of the day. These customization options allow you to tailor the lock’s behavior to align with your specific needs and routines.

Override and Manual Control: The auto-unlock and auto-lock features are designed to streamline your entry and exit experiences. However, you still have the flexibility to control the lock when needed manually. For instance, if you want to keep the door unlocked for an extended period or temporarily turn off the auto-lock feature, you can easily override the automated functions through the mobile app or manually operate the lock.

Battery Conservation: The August Smart Lock Pro utilizes smart algorithms that optimize power consumption to preserve battery life. The auto-unlock and auto-lock functions are intelligently designed to minimize unnecessary energy usage, ensuring the lock remains operational for extended periods without requiring frequent battery replacements.

August DoorSense technology

The August Smart Lock Pro incorporates an innovative feature called DoorSense, which enhances the security and functionality of the smart lock. DoorSense technology provides real-time status updates and ensures that you have accurate information about the state of your door.

Real-Time Door Monitoring: DoorSense uses advanced sensors to monitor the position of your door in real time. It detects whether the door is securely closed, ajar, or completely open, providing accurate information about your door’s status at any moment. This feature eliminates any uncertainty or guesswork about whether your door is properly closed and locked.

Instant Notifications: With DoorSense technology, you receive instant notifications on your smartphone whenever your door is left ajar or open. This feature helps you stay aware of potential security vulnerabilities, ensuring you can take prompt action to secure your home. You’ll be alerted if the door is not closed and locked correctly, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to address any issues quickly.

Tamper Detection: DoorSense also incorporates tamper detection capabilities. If an unauthorized individual tries to tamper with or force open the door, the smart lock can detect these actions and send immediate alerts to your smartphone; This adds an extra layer of security, providing you with valuable information in case of any attempted break-ins or suspicious activity.

Activity Log: The DoorSense feature contributes to the comprehensive activity log maintained by the August Smart Lock Pro. It records and timestamps each instance of door status changes, including when the door is opened, closed, or left ajar. You can access this log through the mobile app, allowing you to review past activity and monitor the usage of your door.

Integration with Automation: DoorSense technology can also be integrated with broader smart home automation systems. For example, suppose the door is left open for a specified period. In that case, you can set up automation rules to trigger other actions, such as turning off the lights or adjusting the thermostat. This integration enhances the overall functionality and efficiency of your smart home ecosystem.

Enhancing Safety and Convenience: DoorSense ensures that your home is secure but also safe and convenient. It prevents accidental door locking when someone is inside the house or obstructing the doorway, minimizing the risk of being locked out. This feature adds an extra layer of safety, especially when you have children, pets, or elderly family members moving around the house.

August smart keypad

The August Smart Keypad is a companion device to the August Smart Lock Pro that offers an additional method of access and control for your smart lock. Designed for simplicity and convenience, the Smart Keypad provides a secure and easy way to grant entry to your home without the need for a smartphone or physical keys.

Keyless Entry: The August Smart Keypad enables keyless entry to your home. Instead of using a traditional key, you can enter a unique entry code on the keypad to unlock the door; This eliminates the need to carry keys and provides a convenient solution for family members, guests, or service providers who may not have a smartphone or the August mobile app.

Customizable Entry Codes: The Smart Keypad allows you to create and manage multiple entry codes for different individuals or purposes. You can assign unique codes to family members, friends, housekeepers, or temporary guests. This flexibility enables you to grant access to specific individuals without sharing physical keys or compromising the security of your home.

Temporary Access: With the Smart Keypad, you can generate temporary access codes for one-time or limited-duration use. This feature helps grant access to delivery personnel, contractors, or short-term visitors. Once the specified time expires, the temporary code automatically becomes invalid, enhancing the security of your home.

Seamless Integration: The Smart Keypad seamlessly integrates with the August Smart Lock Pro, providing a unified access control system. You can link the keypad to your smart lock via Bluetooth, allowing quick and secure communication between the devices. The keypad is a complementary addition to the smart lock, offering flexibility in accessing and securing your home.

Battery-Powered and Wireless: The Smart Keypad operates on battery power, eliminating the need for complex wiring or electrical connections. This wireless design allows flexible placement anywhere within the August Smart Lock Pro range. The keypad’s battery life is typically long-lasting, ensuring reliable performance without frequent battery replacements.

Simple User Interface: The Smart Keypad features a user-friendly interface with backlit buttons and a clear display. The keypad’s responsive buttons allow easy code entry, even in low-light conditions. Additionally, the keypad provides audible feedback, indicating successful code entries or errors, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free user experience.

Enhanced security features

Activity log and notifications

The August Smart Lock Pro provides an activity log and notifications feature to keep you informed about the usage and status of your smart lock. Here’s how these features work:

Activity Log:

The activity log records all lock-related activities, allowing you to review and track who accessed your lock and when. The log typically includes information such as the date and time of each activity, whether the door was locked or unlocked, and the method used to operate the lock (e.g., virtual key, app, keypad). This log can be accessed through the August app on your smartphone, providing a convenient way to monitor lock activity and detect any unusual events or unauthorized access attempts.


The August Smart Lock Pro offers various notifications to keep you informed about the status and usage of your lock. These notifications can be customized based on your preferences. Here are some common types of notifications:

Lock/Unlock Notifications:

You can receive notifications when the lock is locked or unlocked; This allows you to stay updated on who is accessing your door and when.

Door Ajar Alerts:

Door-ajar alerts notify you if the door is left open or not securely closed; This can help prevent security issues or energy waste by ensuring the door is closed correctly.

Battery Status Notifications:

The lock can send notifications when the battery level is running low, indicating that it’s time to replace the batteries; This helps ensure the lock remains functional and avoids unexpected power loss.

Guest Access Notifications:

Suppose you have granted temporary access to guests using virtual keys or access codes. In that case, you can receive notifications when these keys are used; This allows you to keep track of guest activity and know when they enter or exit your home.

Notification preferences can usually be configured within the August app, allowing you to turn specific types of notifications on or off or customize how and when they are delivered (e.g., push notifications, email, or both).

Advanced encryption and tamper detection

The August Smart Lock Pro employs advanced encryption and tamper detection mechanisms to ensure the security and integrity of your smart lock system. Here’s an overview of these features:


Bluetooth Encryption: The communication between the August Smart Lock Pro and your smartphone or other authorized devices is encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols; This ensures that the data transmitted between devices remains secure and protected from unauthorized access.

Two-factor authentication:

August App Authentication: The August app supports two-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of security to your account; This typically involves a combination of your password and a verification code sent to your registered email or phone number.

Tamper detection:

Physical Tamper Detection: The August Smart Lock Pro has physical tamper detection mechanisms. Suppose someone attempts to force or tamper with the lock. In that case, it can trigger alerts or initiate security measures to protect against unauthorized access.

Security alerts:

App Notifications: The August app can send notifications or alerts when unusual activities or security events are detected, such as multiple failed login attempts or tampering attempts.

Secure firmware üpdates:

Firmware updates for the August Smart Lock Pro are delivered securely to address any vulnerabilities or security issues promptly. These updates can include security patches and enhancements to protect your smart lock system further.

Third-party security audits:

August undergoes periodic security audits conducted by independent third-party experts to identify and address potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the smart lock system; This helps ensure that the August Smart Lock Pro maintains a high level of security.

Two-factor authentication and biometric options

Two-Factor authentication:

The August Smart Lock Pro does not natively support two-factor authentication (2FA) as a built-in feature. However, you can enhance the security of your August account by enabling 2FA for the associated August app or the account you use to manage the lock. Many popular authentication apps, such as Google Authenticator or Authy, can be used to enable 2FA for added account protection. By enabling 2FA, you’ll be required to provide a second verification code, typically generated by the authentication app, in addition to your password when logging in to your August account.

Biometric options:

The August Smart Lock Pro does not include biometric options, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, for unlocking the lock. The primary methods of unlocking the lock are through the August app, virtual keys, access codes, or physical keys.

However, depending on the capabilities of your smartphone and the mobile operating system it runs on, you can leverage the biometric authentication features of your device to unlock the August app itself. For example, suppose your smartphone supports fingerprint or facial recognition. In that case, you can enable these biometric authentication methods within your device’s security settings; This adds an extra layer of security to your August app by requiring your unique biometric data to access and control the lock.

It’s important to note that the availability and functionality of biometric options may vary depending on your specific smartphone, operating system, and associated security settings. Therefore, it’s recommended to check the settings and capabilities of your device to determine the biometric authentication options available for securing the August app.

Comparison with Other Smart Locks

Comparison with Similar Smart Lock Models:

Several factors come into play when comparing the August Smart Lock Pro with similar smart lock models. Here are some points to consider when evaluating its features and capabilities:

Connectivity Options:

Check if the smart lock supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or both. The August Smart Lock Pro offers Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, providing remote access and control and local operation.

Integration with Virtual Assistants and Smart Home Systems:

Consider compatibility with virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple HomeKit. The August Smart Lock Pro is compatible with these virtual assistants, allowing you to control the lock using voice commands and integrate it into broader smart home systems.

Auto-Unlock and Auto-Lock Features:

Look for smart locks that offer auto-unlock and auto-lock capabilities based on proximity. The August Smart Lock Pro provides these features, allowing the lock to unlock automatically when you approach and lock when you leave.

DoorSense Technology:

Check if the smart lock includes door position detection, like the August Smart Lock Pro’s DoorSense technology. This feature ensures you receive real-time status updates on whether your door is securely closed or open.

Installation Process:

Evaluate the ease of installation. The August Smart Lock Pro is known for its easy installation process, typically taking just a few minutes and requiring minimal tools.

Pros and Cons of the August Smart Lock Pro:

To provide a balanced view, here are some pros and cons associated with the August Smart Lock Pro:


Versatile Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity options allow both remote and local control.

Integration with popular virtual assistants for convenient voice control.

Auto-unlock and auto-lock features are based on proximity, adding convenience to your daily routine.

DoorSense technology provides real-time updates on the door’s status for enhanced security.

An easy installation process that can be completed within minutes without complex wiring or modifications.


An additional purchase of the August Connect device is required for Wi-Fi connectivity, which adds to the overall cost.

The lock’s design may not be compatible with certain non-standard or unusually shaped deadbolts.

Advanced features like integration with smart home systems may require additional setup and configuration.

It’s important to consider your specific requirements and preferences when comparing smart locks. Assessing factors such as connectivity options, integration capabilities, installation ease, and additional features will help you decide based on your needs and priorities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is the August Smart Lock Pro?
  • The August Smart Lock Pro is a smart lock that lets you control and monitor your door’s lock status using your smartphone. It provides keyless entry, remote access, and various smart features to enhance convenience and security.
  1. How does the August Smart Lock Pro work?
  • The August Smart Lock Pro replaces the interior portion of your existing deadbolt, allowing you to lock and unlock your door using the August mobile app on your smartphone. It connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and can be controlled remotely through Wi-Fi using the August Connect device.
  1. Can I install the August Smart Lock Pro on my own, or do I need professional assistance?
  • The August Smart Lock Pro is designed for easy installation. Users themselves can usually install it without professional assistance. It is compatible with most standard single-cylinder deadbolts and includes detailed installation instructions.
  1. Is the August Smart Lock Pro compatible with my existing door lock?
  • The August Smart Lock Pro is compatible with most standard single-cylinder deadbolts. However, it’s recommended to check the compatibility of your specific deadbolt before purchasing the smart lock.
  1. Does the August Smart Lock Pro require an internet connection to function?
  • While the August Smart Lock Pro can function using Bluetooth connectivity alone, certain features like remote access, integration with virtual assistants, and accessing the lock remotely through the August app require an internet connection. You can use the August Connect device to enable these features, which provide Wi-Fi connectivity to the lock.
  1. Can I still use my traditional keys with the August Smart Lock Pro?
  • You can still use your traditional keys with the August Smart Lock Pro. The lock is designed to be installed over your existing deadbolt, allowing you to continue using your keys as a backup option.
  1. Does the August Smart Lock Pro work with virtual assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant?
  • The August Smart Lock Pro is compatible with popular virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri. You can use voice commands to control the lock and check its status through these virtual assistants.
  1. Can I control the August Smart Lock Pro remotely?
  • Yes, you can control the August Smart Lock Pro remotely using the August mobile app on your smartphone. With the August Connect device, which provides Wi-Fi connectivity, you can lock or unlock your door from anywhere, grant temporary access to guests, and receive notifications about lock activity.
  1. How does the August Smart Lock Pro enhance home security?
  • The August Smart Lock Pro enhances home security through features like DoorSense technology, which provides real-time status updates on whether your door is securely closed or open. It also allows you to monitor lock activity, grant temporary access to guests, and receive notifications, adding more control and awareness to your home’s security.
  1. Does the August Smart Lock Pro supports multiple-user access?
  • Yes, the August Smart Lock Pro supports multiple-user access. You can create virtual keys and assign them to family members, friends, or service providers, allowing them to unlock the door using their smartphones or designated access codes. You can also revoke access at any time.

Troubleshooting and support resources

When it comes to troubleshooting and finding support for the August Smart Lock Pro, there are several resources you can utilize:

August Support Website: Visit the official August support website, which provides a wealth of information, including FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and user manuals. It’s a great starting point to find answers to common issues or questions.

Contact August Customer Support: If you need help finding a solution on the support website, you can reach out to August customer support directly. They can provide personalized assistance and help troubleshoot specific issues you may be experiencing with your August Smart Lock Pro.

August Community Forum: Join the August community forum to connect with other users who may have faced similar challenges or have valuable tips to share. The community forum is a great place to ask questions, share experiences, and seek advice on troubleshooting or optimizing the usage of your smart lock.

Firmware and App Updates: Ensure you install the latest firmware version on your August Smart Lock Pro. Regularly check for updates using the August mobile app and apply them as necessary. Keeping the firmware and app up to date can often resolve bugs, improve performance, and introduce new features.

Resetting the Lock: If you encounter persistent issues with your August Smart Lock Pro, you may consider performing a factory reset. Instructions on resetting the lock properly can be found in the user manual or on the August support website.

Remember to consult August’s official documentation and resources for accurate and up-to-date troubleshooting information specific to your model of the August Smart Lock Pro.


Summary of the August Smart Lock Pro’s Key Features and Benefits:

The August Smart Lock Pro is a versatile and feature-rich smart lock that offers convenience, security, and control over your home’s door access. Its key features and benefits include:

Remote Access and Control: You can lock or unlock your door from anywhere using your smartphone, providing convenience and flexibility.

Integration with Virtual Assistants: The August Smart Lock Pro seamlessly integrates with popular virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri, allowing you to control the lock using voice commands.

Auto-Unlock and Auto-Lock: The lock can automatically unlock when you approach the door and lock behind you when you leave, ensuring convenience and peace of mind.

August DoorSense Technology: With DoorSense, you receive real-time notifications about your door’s status, letting you know if it’s securely closed or open.

Smart Keypad Compatibility: The lock can be paired with the August Smart Keypad for convenient entry codes for yourself, family members, or guests.

Easy Installation: The August Smart Lock Pro can be installed within minutes, with most users able to complete the installation themselves.

Customization Options: You can customize settings such as auto-lock timing, notification preferences, and guest access permissions through the August app.

Advanced Security: The lock employs encryption, tamper detection, and two-factor authentication to ensure the security of your home.

Final thoughts on its value and effectiveness:

The August Smart Lock Pro offers a comprehensive and user-friendly smart lock solution. Its seamless integration with virtual assistants, remote access capabilities, and advanced features like DoorSense technology and auto-locking make it a reliable and convenient choice for enhancing home security and access control.

The lock’s compatibility with existing deadbolts and easy installation process further adds to its value. With its robust security features, customization options, and reliable customer support, the August Smart Lock Pro provides homeowners peace of mind and convenience.

Jenny Fischer
Jenny Fischer
Articles: 179

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